secret signs

secret signs

secret signs 双语例句

secret signs的近义词

1. These freemasons formed a universal craft for themselves, with a system of secret signs and passwords by which a craftsman, who had been admitted on giving evidence of competent skill, could be recognized.

2. They had their secret societies, with signs and passwords.

3. Watermarking can be used to differentiate whether the target is protected or not, watch the protected data to spread, distinguish between true and false, communicate in secret, hide the signs and control the illegal copy and so on.

4. A member of the free and accepted masons, an international fraternal and charitable organization with secret rites and signs.

5. Many signs indicated that America will play an important role in the postwar settlement. Since American concept was completely different from European secret diplomatic system, how America would deal with those secret treaties had greatly aroused the Allies'attention.

secret signs

6. Yesterday, tecent company undertook to this matter the character states, this statement expresses, stipulated contest course of study prohibits lawfully in the labor contract that place of Tecent and this 15 stuff before the name signs clause and confidential clause, extended corresponding allowance and compensation, ever also cost many manpower material resources to undertake grooming to its, be opposite secret of relevant trade secret, technology its keep transparent.

7. I perceive one picking me out by secret and divine signs.

8. Mr. Knightley, in his turn, saw signs of some secret agreement between Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill.