
seditious [sɪ'dɪʃəs]  [sɪˈdɪʃəs] 

seditious 基本解释


形容词煽动性的; 参与煽动的

seditious 网络解释

1. 煽动性的:seditionary 骚乱煽动的 | seditious 煽动性的 | seditiously 煽动地

2. 煽动性的,参与煽动的,犯煽动罪的:sedition煽动叛乱(或闹事),煽动性的言论(或行动) | seditious煽动性的,参与煽动的,犯煽动罪的 | snarl混乱,无秩序

3. 叛乱的:sedition {分开走} 叛乱 | seditious 叛乱的 | 52.ject表投掷,扔

4. 煽动性的; 参与煽动的 (形):seditionary 煽动性的; 叛乱的 (形) | seditious 煽动性的; 参与煽动的 (形) | seditiously 煽动地; 妨害治安地 (副)

seditious 词典解释

1. 煽动叛乱的;煽动反政府的;反动性的
    A seditious act, speech, or piece of writing encourages people to fight against or oppose the government.

    e.g. He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets.

seditious 单语例句

1. " We shall not allow riots or seditious acts to rule the streets, " he said in a statement.

seditious 英英释义



1. seditious

1. in opposition to a civil authority or government

    Synonym: insurgent subversive

2. arousing to action or rebellion

    Synonym: incendiary incitive inflammatory instigative rabble-rousing