
self-discipline [self 'dɪsəplɪn]  [ˈsɛlfˈdɪsəplɪn] 

self-discipline 基本解释

名词自律; 自我训练,自我修养

self-discipline 网络解释


1. 自律:可存到现金货币市场(Money Market)或短期定存(CD).以备紧急之用.其次是善用公司提供的401K 或类似的退休计划.我知道退休对年轻人而言是遥不可及的事.但迟早那天必定会来临,愈早开始存钱愈好.除了政府给放在401K 或个人退休计划(IRA)的钱抵税的好处之外,所赚的钱也可延税.自律(self discipline),习惯成自然,持之以恒,

2. 自我约束:patterns 图案 | self-discipline 自我约束 | beach 海滩 tune 曲调

3. 自律能力:13 quantitative ability 数字分析能力 | 14 self-discipline 自律能力 | 15 poise 平衡能力

self-discipline 词典解释

1. 自我约束;律己
    Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do.

    e.g. Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline.

self-discipline 英英释义



1. self-discipline在线翻译

1. the act of denying yourself
    controlling your impulses

    Synonym: self-denial self-control

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. the trait of practicing self discipline

    Synonym: self-denial