
self-interest [ˈselfˈɪntrɪst, -ˈɪntərɪst]  [ˈsɛlfˈɪntrɪst, -ˈɪntərɪst] 

self-interest 基本解释

名词利己主义; 私心

self-interest 网络解释

1. 自利:在这部伟大著作中,他极力颂扬市场的力量,反对政府对私人经济活动干预;他认为自利(self interest)的个人在市场机制引导下可以有效配置资源,实现社会福利最大化.

2. 自利性:经济学的一个基本假设是人人都具有经济理性(economic rationality)或称自利性(self interest),即在决策和行为中能够认识到自己的利益所在,并且有最大化自身利益的取向.

3. 自我利益:有些是用来帮助维系社会菁英地位,有些是合法化世俗的愿望等等,不一而足,(譬如周作人知堂回想录中描述革命一词在学校里如何被作为低班的人反抗高班同学的思想依据)2既然要谈思想的社会功能,则思想与自我利益(self interest)之间的关系便值得厘清,

self-interest 词典解释

1. self-interest什么意思

1. 自私自利;利己主义
    If you accuse someone of self-interest, you disapprove of them because they always want to do what is best for themselves rather than for anyone else.

    e.g. Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest.

self-interest 英英释义



1. concern for your own interests and welfare

    Synonym: egoism egocentrism self-concern self-centeredness

2. taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others

    Synonym: opportunism self-seeking expedience