
sell [sel]  [sɛl] 








sell 基本解释

及物/不及物动词销售; 卖,售; 使好卖; 使接受,使赞成

及物动词推销; 出卖; 经销; 欺骗

名词销售; 欺骗; 失望; 推销术

不及物动词卖; 出售; 受欢迎; 有销路

sell 同义词


动词market peddle vend

sell 反义词


sell 相关词组


1. sell short : 低估;

2. sell oneself : 出卖自己, 自荐, 卖淫;

3. sell out : 卖完;

4. sell off : 廉价卖清;

5. sell up : 卖完;

6. sell well : 销路广;

sell 相关例句



1. Television sells many products.

2. She was sold again.

3. He sold his bike to me for $40.


1. This oil painting sells for 500 dollars.

2. This shirt sell s for six dollars.

sell 情景对话



B:We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.

A:We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.

B:I see.


B:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.

A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.
      依我的资格和经验,我觉 得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。


A:Would you give me some fruits? How much are these oranges?

B:Seventy cents a piece.
      一个7 角。

A:How about this one?

B:Sixty cents a piece.
      6 角一个。

A:Well, I’ll take five of the seventy cent ones, and are those grapefruits sweet?
      哦,我要5 个7 角的,另外这些葡萄柚甜吗?

B:Sure! They are very fresh, first of all. We sell at a bargain, and you make a wise purchase if you buy them today. Eighty cents only, a piece.
      当然甜!最重要的是新鲜。我们便宜卖,如果你今天买就很划算,一个只要8 角钱。

A:I follow you and I’ll take three just for my trial.
      我懂你的意思,我买3 个试试。

B:Thank you very much and anything else?

A:That’s all. Thank you.

sell 网络解释


1. 出售, 卖:携带物品里显示物品的右边能作出 售卖(sell),装备(equip),分解(scrap),强化(enhance),食用(consume)等行动. 服务型角色能作出 修理(repair),使用药品(*ister),煮熟食物(cook)等行动. 越高级防具耐用度及吸收伤害比率会越高,

sell 词典解释

1. 卖;出让;转让
    If you sell something that you own, you let someone have it in return for money.

    e.g. I sold everything I owned except for my car and my books...
    e.g. His heir sold the painting to the London art dealer Agnews...

2. (商店)经售,出售
    If a shop sells a particular thing, it is available for people to buy there.

    e.g. It sells everything from hair ribbons to oriental rugs...
    e.g. Bean sprouts are also sold in cans.

3. 以…的价格出售;售价是…
    If something sells for a particular price, that price is paid for it.

    e.g. Unmodernised property can sell for up to 40 per cent of its modernised market value.
           没有装备现代化设施的房地产能够卖到它配置了现代化设施情况下的市价的 40%。
    e.g. ... grain sells at 10 times usual prices.
           粮食售价是平常的 10 倍。

4. 有销路;大量卖出
    If something sells, it is bought by the public, usually in fairly large quantities.

    e.g. Even if this album doesn't sell and the critics don't like it, we wouldn't ever change...
    e.g. The company believes the products will sell well in the run-up to Christmas.

5. 促进…的销路;推销
    Something that sells a product makes people want to buy the product.

    e.g. It is only the sensational that sells news magazines.
    e.g. manufacturers' long-held maxim that safety doesn't sell.

6. 使接受;使采纳
    If you sell someone an idea or proposal, or sell someone on an idea, you convince them that it is a good one.

    e.g. She tried to sell me the idea of buying my own paper shredder...
    e.g. She is hoping she can sell the idea to clients...

7. 出卖肉体;卖淫
    If someone sells their body, they have sex for money.

    e.g. 85 per cent said they would rather not sell their bodies for a living.

8. sell

8. (为获得个人利益或好处而)出卖,背叛
    If someone sells you down the river, they betray you for some personal profit or advantage.

    e.g. He has been sold down the river by the people who were supposed to protect him.

9. sell是什么意思

9. 低估;轻视;怠慢
    If you sell someone short, you do not point out their good qualities as much as you should or do as much for them as you should.

    e.g. They need to improve their image — they are selling themselves short...
    e.g. Selling their fans short in such a shabby way is not acceptable.

10. 出卖灵魂(或良心)
    If you talk about someone selling their soul in order to get something, you are criticizing them for abandoning their principles.

    e.g. ...a man who would sell his soul for political viability.

11. to sell like hot cakes -> see cake

相关词组:sell off sell on sell out sell up

sell 单语例句

1. sell的近义词

1. The pawnbroker said some small business people are pawning private items to raise capital to buy wholesale souvenirs that they sell to tourists.

2. A Chinese company that was forbidden to " sell " land on the moon has filed suit in Beijing to regain its business license.

3. Litang is a bustling little town with colorful street life thanks to the nomadic shepherds and Tibetan people coming to sell and buy their products.

4. They also sell a mixed box of cookies that is full of crunchy, buttery goodness.

5. Han said bringing financing into liquor trading allows buyers to track the market of listed companies and know when to buy in or sell out.

6. Business reporter Liu Qian says she often gets text messages asking her to buy or sell a particular stock at a designated time.

7. He said some developers were flying over to the Far East to try to effectively dump properties they could not sell to UK buyers.

8. Traders from Xuchang traveled throughout the country buying hair to make into wigs and sell to foreign merchants.


9. Such a policy would allow banks to sell more dollars than they buy, instead of buying more dollars than they sell.

10. The Hong Kong government said it will try to sell a residential site in Tuen Mun by public tender.

sell 英英释义


1. the activity of persuading someone to buy

    e.g. it was a hard sell


1. sell

1. persuade somebody to accept something

    e.g. The French try to sell us their image as great lovers

2. give up for a price or reward

    e.g. She sold her principles for a successful career

3. exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent

    e.g. He sold his house in January
           She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit

4. sell

4. do business
    offer for sale as for one's livelihood

    e.g. She deals in gold
           The brothers sell shoes

    Synonym: deal trade

5. deliver to an enemy by treachery

    e.g. Judas sold Jesus
           The spy betrayed his country

    Synonym: betray

6. be sold at a certain price or in a certain way

    e.g. These books sell like hot cakes

7. be responsible for the sale of

    e.g. All her publicity sold the products

8. sell

8. be approved of or gain acceptance

    e.g. The new idea sold well in certain circles