1. 语义的:将预测信息与听到信息有机结合起来,便可作出正确判断.若遇同音词可以根 据语义和语法规则进行判断.最后,若有个别词或短语尚未听懂,考生可根据文章上下文的 连贯性和平行性(coherence and parallel),语义的(semantic)一致性(consistency),
2. 语意学:结果看下来,算明白作者的意思了,也是想跟大家讨论一下的语意学(semantic)在template method中,实现的是一个高层算法和底层实现的隔离. 我们知道,oo中有个著名的原则叫dip原则(依赖倒置原则),目的就是进行解耦,使得高层依赖于抽象.
3. 语义学:他们让受试者接受语义学(semantic)的测验,该测验的目的是找出字词间的相关性. 给的问题像是,「pine, crab, sauce」,而答案则是apple,这是因为apple是三个词之间的共通关系(pineapple, crab apple, applesauce). 在测验当中,
1. 语义的
Semantic is used to describe things that deal with the meanings of words and sentences.
e.g. He did not want to enter into a semantic debate.
1. It then examines whether it's more desirable to have a phonetic or semantic translation - or one that's both.
2. semantic什么意思
2. The key to his semantic tricks is " all Tibetan people ".
3. With the Semantic Web, tags are added to information in databases describing gene and protein sequences.