
semblance [ˈsembləns]  [ˈsɛmbləns] 


semblance 基本解释

名词类似; 外表,外观; 假装; 副本,拷贝

semblance 相关词组

1. in semblance : 在外表上;

semblance 相关例句



1. By this time some semblance of order had been restored.

semblance 网络解释

1. 外观:而拟像(simulacrum)的字源,拉丁文中的simulacrum 在柏拉图的对话录中为幻影(phantasm)或 外表、外观(semblance). 相较之下,「再现」似乎是占有了时间的谕意,而「拟像」是空间上的关系,这在拟像的讨论部分会有更进一步的说明,於布希亚的论述中,

2. 外表, 伪装:appliance outlet 设备(电源)插口 | semblance 外表, 伪装 | throttle down (把风门, 油门关小以)减低速度 减缓(发展等)

3. 外表:semblable 相似的 | semblance 外表 | semble 看来好象

4. 相似;外表;伪装:semblance coefficient 相似系数 | semblance 相似;外表;伪装 | semester 学期

semblance 词典解释

1. 假象;表象;外观
    If there is a semblance of a particular condition or quality, it appears to exist, even though this may be a false impression.

    e.g. At least a semblance of normality has been restored to parts of the country...
    e.g. They had nursed Peter back to some semblance of health.

semblance 单语例句

1. The third is about the redemption of one Japanese soldier, who manages to retain a semblance of human decency despite all the cruelties around him.

2. Jessica Alba hands out cupcakes to fans for making her famous without having any semblance of talent.

3. The city itself returned to some semblance of normality, with the suspended underground rail line operating a partial service and buses running full schedules.

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4. Remove these people and strand them in communities where building echoes and screaming kids kill all semblance of pleasure.

5. semblance的翻译

5. In that sense, it is a small step toward equality - or its semblance.

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6. Joint patrols by Marines and Iraqis are a key part of the political effort, aiming to restore a semblance of control in Fallujah.

7. semblance的意思

7. But others see compensation as their best chance at regaining some semblance of normalcy.

8. semblance的翻译

8. What they need is an approximation or even a semblance of normalcy.

9. But even the watchdogs of all watchdogs have to have some semblance of objectivity.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. Our attack surfaces will expand and any remaining semblance of a perimeter will continue to wither.

semblance 英英释义


1. picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing

    Synonym: likeness

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2. an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading

    e.g. he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity
           he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction
           the situation soon took on a different color

    Synonym: gloss color colour

3. an erroneous mental representation

    Synonym: illusion