
semen [ˈsi:men]  [ˈsimən] 

semen 基本解释


名词精液; 种子

semen 网络解释

1. 种子:果实(Fructus)与种子(Semen)在植物体中是两种不同的器官,在商品药材中往往是没有严格分开的. 有的是果实和种子一同入药,如乌梅,枸杞等;有的是以种子入药,如苦杏仁、桃仁(炮制去种皮有的以果实贮存,销售临用时再剥去果皮取出种子入药,

2. 精绵:semen zizyphi spinosae 酸枣仁 | semen 精绵 | Semendur 塞门杜尔钴铁簧片合金

3. 非专业演员 发射:6 非专业演员 发射semen | 7 vagaa bt emule pp点点通 | Ai Iijima 饭岛爱

semen 词典解释

1. 精液
    Semen is the liquid containing sperm that is produced by the sex organs of men and male animals.

semen 单语例句

1. The jing ancient Chinese doctors talk about is not semen but a concept referring to all the minute materials consumed during lovemaking.

2. semen

2. Lady Gaga revealed her first perfume on Wednesday - but it's not going to smell like blood and semen as the flamboyant singer once hoped.

3. semen的解释

3. Semen that lab found matched the DNA of a man already in prison.

4. Zoo officials said since inbreeding among pandas can prove harmful to the rare animals, they had been preserving wild pandas'semen for almost a decade.

5. A derivative of testosterone, it is found in male sweat as well as in saliva and semen.

6. Li even provided a medical report which showed that his semen was normal although his virility was slightly below normal.


7. Liu said there are tens of millions of sperm cells in one milliliter of semen.

8. The normal density of sperm in semen is 20 million per milliliter.

9. Bull semen is commonly obtained using a rubber device known as an artificial vagina which is put in place manually by two handlers.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. Genetic tests showed semen on Caroline's body matched Arce Montes'DNA.

semen 英英释义



1. the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract

    Synonym: seed seminal fluid ejaculate cum come