sense of beauty

sense of beauty

sense of beauty 单语例句


1. Pretty girls may count on beauty to give them advantages, but will learn that the sense of privilege built on their looks is never reliable.

2. The beauty of Xiaoshe Mountain adds a sense of coziness to the stroll through the tree shade.

3. sense of beauty是什么意思

3. The blonde beauty also admitted she has a " crass " sense of humour, which often surprises people.

4. sense of beauty

4. Visitors can sense the vibrancy and humane beauty deeply rooted in the tropical passions of the breathtakingly beautiful region of Southeast Asia.

5. The green mountains and clear water in Hongcun convey the sense of beauty to every visitor.

6. Its natural beauty, traditions and internationalism have inspired this newfound sense of discovery among Lebanese artists.

7. But awaiting them were poor conditions and feelings of loneliness rather than the sense of great beauty from the mountains and rivers there.

8. The petals'softness conveys a sense of clarity and simplicity that goes beyond mere external beauty.

9. That sense of wonder at the beauty of this world forms the core of the book.