1. 感觉神经:(2)感觉神经(sensory nerve)也称传入神经(afferent nerve),为传入性神经,由感觉神经纤维组成. 又可分为躯体感觉神经与内脏感觉神经两种. 它们来自脑神经节和脊神经节内的假单极细胞的外周突,其纤维粗细不一,可以是有髓纤维、薄髓纤维或无髓纤维.
2. 小切口:腋神经:axillary nerve | 小切口:Sensory nerve | 氯胺酮:Nerve Block
1. sensory nerve的解释
1. The drug was supposed to treat symptoms related to cognition and sensory nerve damage.
1. a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system
Synonym: afferent nerve afferent