
separated [ˈsepəreɪtɪd]  ['sepəreɪtɪd] 




separated 基本解释
separated 网络解释

1. 分居:在澳大利亚填写履历表时婚姻状况一栏常设五个选项:单身(SINGLE),已婚(MARRIED),离婚(DIVORCED),分居(SEPARATED),同居(DEFACTO),最后一项为同居或译为事实婚姻.

2. 分离:人与人相互分离(separated)为个人,文化与文化相互分离为不同文化,这是人与文化的局限性,但也正是它们的无限性. 正是从此无限性而来,每一个人都是先验地溢出(overflow)自身的,每一种文化也都是先验地溢出自身的. 这种先验的溢出性是如此之源始,

3. 分开:我不是说她们是彼此分开的;分开(separated)一辞也许带有分裂的含意. 我用相隔(kept away)一辞,因为相隔不是分裂. 众召会彼此相隔,只是因着地方,不是因着别的. 然而,她们在宇宙一面不是分裂的.

separated 单语例句

1. separated的意思

1. " The hardware business is always separated from the software business, " he says.

2. Taiwan is an integral part of china, which cannot be separated from its motherland by any means.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. She says it when they meet again by chance after they have been separated by destiny for 10 years.

4. A man's life was saved thanks to the Internet and efforts made by people separated by thousands of kilometers.

5. The overweight truck crashed into a guardrail and the cab separated from the cargo section and hung over the side of the bridge.

6. The revelation came Tuesday, just a week after Schwarzenegger and Shriver announced they had separated.

7. Grants should be strictly separated into capital and revenue with large capital grants tied to specific projects meeting specific needs.

8. Britain was the first capitalist country to introduce industry, whose development cannot be separated from its patent system.

9. The cargo carrier separated from the rocket at an altitude of about 288 kilometers about 15 minutes later.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. When Allen and Lambert were declared the finalists last week, just 1 million viewer votes separated the pair out of 88 million cast.