
sepulture ['sepəltʃə]  ['sepəltʃə] 

sepulture 基本解释



sepulture 网络解释

1. 埋葬:sepulchre 坟墓 | sepulture 埋葬 | sequacious 盲从的

2. 埋葬/坟墓/墓:sepulchre /坟墓/埋葬所/埋葬/ | sepulture /埋葬/坟墓/墓/ | sequacious /盲从的/卑贱的/合于逻辑的/

sepulture 双语例句


1. Thou hast run thy course; thou hast closed the span that Fortune allotted thee; thou hast reached the goal of all; thou hast left behind thee the woes and weariness of the world; and thy enemy has himself granted thee sepulture accordant with thy deserts.

2. This discretion of conduct had inured to his credit. None the less, he had set two men to chattering: the porter, in the convent, and he knew the singularities of their parlor, and the grave-digger, at the cemetery, and he was acquainted with the peculiarities of their sepulture; in this way, he possessed a double light on the subject of these nuns, one as to their life, the other as to their death.


3. Marriages were solemnized in the churchyard. The dead, denied burial in consecrated ground, were interred, without the rites of sepulture, in the ditches or the fields.

sepulture 英英释义


1. a chamber that is used as a grave

    Synonym: burial chamber sepulcher sepulchre

2. the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave

    Synonym: burial entombment inhumation interment