
sequential [sɪˈkwenʃl]  [sɪˈkwɛnʃəl] 

sequential 基本解释


形容词序贯; 时序; 按次序的,相继的,构成连续镜头的

sequential 网络解释

1. 顺序的:在一个依赖于顺序的(sequential)程序中,不可能会有当Ri为1(说明Value已被初始化了)时,Rv还是0(Value未初始化)的情况发生. 这归因于Sequential Consistency Memory Model. 图2中的表格枚举了序列一致性内存所允许的所有6种合法排列,

2. 连续的:我们都单独地分配了一块磁盘存放提交日志.由于提交日志地所有写入操作都是连续的(sequential),所以我们可以最大程度的利用磁盘吞吐量.当内存数据结构的大小(根据数据量大小与对象数量计算得出)超过一定的阈值,

3. 连续:WF支持人员(Human)工作流和系统(Sytem)工作流,也支持连续(Sequential)工作流和状态机(StateMachine)工作流. WF提出了一个重要的概念:活动(Activity),并同时内置了一个基础活动库(Base Activity Library),另外开发人员也可以通过API来自定义自己的活动.

4. 循序:理论上,循序(sequential)演算法排序的时间复杂度(time complexity)为:Ω(n log n),如merge sort的time complexity为O(n log n). 也就是说,已经没有办法从演算法上著手来使这个问题获得实质上的改善了. 但是藉由平行化,

sequential 词典解释

1. 按次序的;顺序的;序列的
    Something that is sequential follows a fixed order.

    e.g. ...the sequential story of the universe...
    e.g. In this way the children are introduced to sequential learning.

The pages are numbered sequentially.
sequential 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The country will promote the reform of resource products pricing and environment protection charging mechanism in a " controllable and sequential way ".

2. Researchers at Imperial College London developed a mathematical formula and modeled courtship as a sequential game to find the best way to impress the ladies.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. In sequential statements before an international horde of reporters, each side's lawyers argued their client's version of events would prevail.

4. The example given here is a simple illustration of how to use sequential subscriptions to price and distribute toxic assets.

5. For sequential programs, supercomputers offer no significant advantage over normal computers.

6. ZTE was the only vendor which showed a 33 percent sequential increase in overall revenues for the first quarter of 2010.

7. A modest sequential recovery may start in the fourth quarter, and the slight rebound trend is expected to continue into next year.

8. sequential是什么意思

8. Not even the most bullish analyst believed Google's sequential revenue increase would be above 10 percent.

9. sequential

9. People can never make an effective and authoritative sequential arrangement about the interests which shall be acknowledged and protected by law via a philosophical approach.

sequential 英英释义


1. in regular succession without gaps

    e.g. serial concerts

    Synonym: consecutive sequent serial successive