
serenity [sə'renətɪ]  [səˈrɛnɪti] 

serenity 基本解释

名词宁静; 平静; 安详; 尊贵的阁下

serenity 相关例句


1. He was always a cool man; nothing could disturb his serenity.

serenity 网络解释


1. 平静:的静(silence)而是精神的静(tranquility)这里的静则也有气象的平静(serenity)的意思集青木智仁(b)塩谷哲(p)本田雅人(sax)沼泽尚(dr)等各乐器的高人气乐手为一体的乐队FOUROFAKIND迷路(maze)给人的感觉是比较倾向于故意弄出来的,

2. 冲出宁静号:更为可惜的是<<骷髅新娘>>(Corpse Bride)和<<冲出宁静号>>(Serenity),两者本身都有不俗的质素,而且都有固定的FANS群体,可惜没有形成观影的潮流,票房方面反而是波澜不惊.

3. 萤火虫:费大片 最新大片抢先看 <<变相怪杰 2>>( SonOfTheMas k) 最新大片抢先看 免费大片 美国大片 最新大片 最新大片直播室 欧美大片 最新大片 燕赵新天地电影大片 国外大片 免费大片下载 美国经典大片 <<萤火虫>>( Serenity) 上映曰期: 20

serenity 单语例句

1. Serenity spreads over the village while people watch four men carefully light each candle one by one.

2. Our masseuse began our Serenity Package with a massage that combined traditional Chinese acupressure points with the soothing strokes of a traditional Balinese oil massage.

3. She sings more like Li, beneath the sweetness there is a serenity from deep in her heart.

4. This mutual enhancement produces both serenity and sensuality, effects that Zhang intensifies with simple shapes and very little else.

5. Pregnant Jamie Lynn Spears will wed fiancee Casey Aldridge at her big sister Britney's Serenity estate in the family's native Louisiana.

6. All of a sudden, the tourists may feel the gorgeous blend of vitality and serenity.

7. serenity的翻译

7. Bar goers enjoy freedom of choice and the serenity of the lakeside.

8. Here's to a little market serenity for the rest of 2007.

9. During the Tan Ta Festival it resounds with celebratory rockets, but the quiet of a solitary hilltop allowed me to appreciate the pagoda's serenity.

10. The wooden structure is shrouded in plant life and has a different kind of serenity from Japan's sand gardens.

serenity 英英释义



1. a disposition free from stress or emotion

    Synonym: repose quiet placidity tranquillity tranquility

2. the absence of mental stress or anxiety

    Synonym: peace peacefulness peace of mind repose heartsease ataraxis