set a term to

set a term to [set ə tə:m tu:]  [sɛt e tɚm tu] 

set a term to 基本解释


set a term to 相关例句

set a term to的翻译


1. They had set a term to the contract.

set a term to 网络解释


1. 定限期:set a project afoot 开始执行计划 | set a term to 定限期 | Set a thief to catch a thief 以毒攻毒

2. 对...加以限制:on visiting [familiar, first-name, intimate writing] terms with 和...有来往[很熟, 亲属, 通信]的朋友关系 | serve one's term 服刑 服兵役 服务满期或任满 | set a term to 对...加以限制

set a term to 单语例句

1. She also noted it is unlikely that a universal regulator to supervise China's financial sector in the near term would be set up.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Huang said a long term system of alcohol management will be set up to ensure market order.

3. He said Siemens has set a goal to double sales in the medium term.