
settled [ˈsetld] [ˈsetld] 





settled 基本解释

形容词不变的,稳定的; 固定的; 妥; 停当

settled 网络解释


1. 固定的:settle 安顿 | settled 固定的 | settlement 和解

2. 定居的:settle 有背长凳 | settled 定居的 | settlement 财产授与

3. 稳定的:Counsel: 劝告; 建议 | Settled: 稳定的 | 15. A prudent question is one-half of wisdom. 一个审慎的问题就已经得到一半智慧了.

4. 原则:is the rule.|这是不变的 | Settled.|原则 | -Okay. -Good.|- 好吧 - 很好

settled 词典解释

1. 稳定的;固定的;定居的
    If you have a settled way of life, you stay in one place, in one job, or with one person, rather than moving around or changing.

    e.g. He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner...
    e.g. His house was the only settled home I had as a child.

2. (情况、制度等)固定不变的,无变化的
    A settled situation or system stays the same all the time.

    e.g. Cats are creatures of habit — they seem to appreciate a settled routine...
    e.g. There has been a period of settled weather.

3. settled是什么意思

3. (因长期在某地生活或工作)舒适自在的,适应的,习惯的
    If you feel settled, you have been living or working in a place long enough to feel comfortable there.

    e.g. After a few years of being a diplomat, she still didn't feel settled.

settled 单语例句

1. She settled the claim earlier this month following an apology and admission of error by the Daily Mirror newspaper.

2. But it by no means signalled a concession to opponents who would rather stop legislation before differences were settled.

3. settled

3. The major reason behind this is that many previous issues of this type were settled by compensations.

4. A libel action brought by Australian international Harry Kewell against former England striker Gary Lineker and the Sunday Telegraph has been settled out of court.

5. Miley hopes to have settled down by the time she's 26, after taking inspiration from her own mother.

6. But by the time the sawdust had settled, he'd instead built a bar.

7. But key lawmakers were reluctant to call it quits and bargained into overtime Thursday on the legislation before all issues were reported settled.

8. settled在线翻译

8. In one incident troops said they returned fire from gunmen, but a tense calm settled over Iraq's second city by evening.

9. The Salar named the wellspring after the camel and settled in the county.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. She wants to find somewhere quickly so she can regain stability and become settled once more.

settled 英英释义


1. settled的翻译

1. not changeable

    e.g. a period of settled weather

2. inhabited by colonists

    Synonym: colonized colonised

3. established in a desired position or place
    not moving about

    e.g. nomads...absorbed among the settled people
           settled areas
           I don't feel entirely settled here
           the advent of settled civilization

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4. established or decided beyond dispute or doubt

    e.g. with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night