sexual desire

sexual desire

sexual desire 单语例句

1. Finasteride can also reduce sexual desire and cause erectile problem in some male users.

2. It has also been suggested that men aged 70 retain sexual desire that women of the same age have generally lost.

3. sexual desire是什么意思

3. He can't get over her, though it's hard to say whether his sexual infatuation trumps his desire for revenge.

4. It will be prescribed at UVa in coming months to women who are suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

5. Giant pandas show little instinctive behavior in captivity, especially sexual desire.

6. sexual desire的翻译

6. Zhang and his team have even showed the pandas videos of mating in the wild to stoke their sexual desire.

7. After breaking up with her boyfriend during her sophomore year at college, she felt a much stronger sexual desire than before.

8. Your sexual desire or lack thereof could be in your genes, scientists announced today.

9. The transdermal testosterone patch would be the first therapy approved in the US to treat low sexual desire disorder in women.

10. Those who practice it say it tames a girl's sexual desire and maintains her honor.