
sharing ['ʃeərɪŋ]  ['ʃerɪŋ] 







sharing 基本解释


名词共享; 分配; 均分; 共价

sharing 网络解释


1. 共享性:人性化---充分考虑客户办公形态,商务形态和生活形态,形成主题化、个性化(Character)、人性化(Humanity),生态化(Ecology),共享性(Sharing)极强的新型办公型态和首家主题式办公楼.

2. 共用:shareware 共亨件 | sharing 共用 | sheet 外壳

sharing 单语例句

1. With the theme of Act for the Sake of Green Development, the Forum aims to build an open platform for exchanging technology and sharing information.

2. A few scenarios like contact and schedule sharing are already possible in Butler.

3. If sharing the costs of private cars by car pooling is deemed illegal, it would equate to an outright ban on car pools.

4. I had intended to go back home by car sharing, but eventually I gave up.

5. By contrast, sharing products yielded by venture prospecting may bring better results.

6. Shi said Jingdong will solve this problem by acting as an industry agent and sharing profits with publishing houses.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Both Zhao and Du delivered via caesarean section operations and are sharing the same ward at the Hubei hospital.

8. The city management bureau has a massive network of road monitoring as it cooperates with 846 companies and 468 communities sharing their camera views.

9. sharing什么意思

9. The Forum provides them with an active venue for sharing knowledge about, and jointly exploring current developments in China and the opportunities that such developments generate.

10. Astronauts also gave high praise to the domestically developed spacecraft and rocket carrier, and look forward to sharing experiences with astronauts from other countries in the future.

sharing 英英释义



1. a distribution in shares

    Synonym: share-out

2. sharing thoughts and feelings

    Synonym: communion

3. sharing

3. having in common

    e.g. the sharing of electrons creates molecules

4. using or enjoying something jointly with others


1. unselfishly willing to share with others

    e.g. a warm and sharing friend