shed light on

shed light on[ʃed lait ɔn] 

shed light on 基本解释

为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明…

shed light on 网络解释

shed light on在线翻译

1. 阐明,使...被充分理解:settle down定居,过安定的生活 | shed light on阐明,使...被充分理解 | show in领入

2. 进一步提供事实(作新的阐述):1:set the tone for确定----的基调 | 2:shed light on进一步提供事实(作新的阐述) | 3:keep the unemployment situation under control控制失业(状况)

3. 阐明:isostatic 均衡的 | shed light on 阐明 | viscous 粘稠的

4. 使某事清楚:Rear-end:追尾 | Shed light on:使某事清楚 | Overrun:蹂躏,侵占

shed light on 单语例句

1. The second national census on agriculture shed needed light on the latest progress and problems in the development of agriculture and the countryside.

2. Appel relates anecdotes to characterize his father and shed light on the events that led to his downfall.

3. The first survey to shed light on the level of child abuse in China suggests violence against and among minors is widespread and growing.

4. But officials said it was not clear if or how many detainees were on board, and have not shed any light on allegations of CIA secret prisons.

5. A confidential World Bank report recently obtained by the Guardian may have shed some urgently needed light on the main cause of the food crisis.

6. shed light on的解释

6. Rosenfeld said that this research could also shed light on drought conditions in western US mountain ranges that are downwind from polluted urban areas.

7. shed light on是什么意思

7. It said Ostrom and Williamson helped explain that economic analysis can shed light on most forms of social organization.

8. Fossils of fish species that lived more than 405 million years ago in southern China may shed light on the origin of modern human beings.

9. shed light on的解释

9. The market anxiety has helped shed much needed light on the fragility of the global recovery.

10. At the same time as moving the audience to tears of nostalgia, the gala also shed light on the vitality of a new generation.

shed light on 英英释义


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1. make free from confusion or ambiguity
    make clear

    e.g. Could you clarify these remarks?
           Clear up the question of who is at fault

    Synonym: clear clear up crystallize crystallise crystalize crystalise straighten out sort out enlighten illuminate elucidate