
shelled [ʃeld]  [ʃeld] 







shelled 基本解释
shelled 网络解释

1. 带壳巴豆:shellburst /炮弹炸点/ | shelled /带壳巴豆/ | sheller /剥壳器/脱粒者/

2. 去壳的:Pickled腌渍的 | Shelled去壳的 | To dress开膛

3. 虾仁:芹菜 celery | 虾仁 shelled | 辣椒 capsicum;cayenne;pimiento

4. 剥壳:剥皮 Peeled; Skined | 剥壳 Shelled | 去核 Stoned

shelled 单语例句

1. Shelled prawns that have been massaged in clear cold water are then fried in an intensely fragrant tea infusion with green tea leaves.

2. Murad said that positions of suspected Taliban were shelled at Loi Som and adjoining areas to end Taliban control.

3. shelled是什么意思

3. Last year teams shelled out millions of yuan to sign up China's premier paddlers, but poor attendances and sponsorship revenues meant the strategy was a costly failure.

4. shelled在线翻译

4. A man cradling a wounded boy in a chaotic emergency room after Israel shelled a UN school.

5. He adapts Huaiyang style classics - shelled shrimp, sour and sweet yellow croaker - into modern looking dishes.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. American troops also shelled a dye factory on the southern outskirts of Baghdad in retaliation against rebel attacks on coalition headquarters.

7. The EU suspended the export of animal food from China claiming to have verified chloromycetin in shelled fresh shrimps from the country in January 2002.

8. There are two types, one with shelled prawn and one with fresh mango.

9. There are 18 honey products and shelled fresh shrimps processing enterprises which obtained the qualification certificate of European Community.

10. So many houses have been shelled and hundreds of residents are fleeing.

shelled 英英释义



1. of animals or fruits that have a shell