
shipbuilder [ˈʃɪpbɪldə(r)]  [ˈʃɪpbɪldər] 


shipbuilder 基本解释



shipbuilder 双语例句

1. The shipbuilder enterprises held ship-orders of 68.72 million deadweight ton, up 73%, which made China the third largest shipbuilding country in the world for 12th successive year.

2. The other major state-owned shipbuilder, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, is considering a share sale in Hong Kong.


3. Such right of retention shall be extinguished when the vessel ceases to be in the possession of the shipbuilder or shiprepairer, otherwise than in consequence of an arrest or seizure.

4. When he was making it, he thought of tempests and hurricanes; if he did not, he was a poor shipbuilder.


5. The Socity is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship`s saleor chartering, Expert in Unit`s valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Archiect, Manufacturer, Shipbuilder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shiponer who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied obligations by the interventions of the Society.


6. As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution tosurface ship's power and limits its speed.

7. As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal of a surface ships power and limits its speed.

8. Following a private design competition in early 2005, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners designed a new headquarters for Taiwan`s largest private shipbuilder aimed at uniting all the various activities of the group in one building.
    为了响应2005年初由私人发起的一个设计竞标,英国设计事务所Rogers Stirk Harbour+Partners为台湾最大的私有船务集团设计了一幢新的总部大楼,设计目标是在一个建筑体内容纳公司所有营运活动。

9. Soaring inflation, regular currency devaluations and a de facto foreign debt default by vinashin, a state-owned shipbuilder, have shaken investor confidence in Vietnam.

10. Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world's largest shipbuilder, on Friday reported a record quarterly profit as increasing demand for ships drove up vessel prices amid growing global trade surrounding China.

11. China is the world's second-biggest shipbuilder after Korea and Cosco is a force in both dry bulk and container shipping.


12. And they like the fundamentals of Yangzijiang, China's largest nonstate-run shipbuilder by order book.

13. Both the shipbuilder and the steel company alert us to two things.


14. They proposed to give the shipbuilder his head in the construction of these ships.

15. Half the orders placed this year have been in China, the world's number two shipbuilder, whose state companies are the only shipowners worldwide ordering vessels in any numbers.

16. The other major state-owned shipbuilder, China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), is considering a share sale in Hong Kong.

17. Creditors are scheduled to start selling their 50 per cent stake in Daewoo, the world's third largest shipbuilder, before the end of this year. But the winner is almost certain to be Korean.


18. Nine executives from vinashin, a debt-ridden state-owned shipbuilder, went on trial on March 27th charged with mismanaging state resources.

19. Rongsheng is the sixth-largest shipbuilder globally by deadweight, with a global market share of 3 per cent, he added.

20. In this method, the form of the conventional ship strength calculation is used too, it is well known to the shipbuilder, and convenient for the design purpose.

shipbuilder 词典解释

1. 造船工人;造船公司;造船厂
    A shipbuilder is a company or a person that builds ships.

shipbuilder 单语例句

1. The largest private shipbuilder on the mainland delayed plans for an IPO last year amid a stock market plunge and credit crunch.

2. China's largest shipbuilder has reported robust growth in major indices for last year, thanks to internal improvements as well as a recovering global economy.

3. Its shares began trading on London's Alternative Investment Market in August 2011, making it the first Chinese shipbuilder to be listed on AIM.

4. Hu pledged to complete structural optimization and reverse the proportions by 2015, when his company is expected to become the world's largest shipbuilder.


5. The shipbuilder has since received orders for more than 35 VLCCs for clients.

6. China has been the world's third largest shipbuilder for 12 years.

7. Mainland shipyards are expected to tap capital markets in the next two years to fund the mainland's ambition to become the world's largest shipbuilder.

8. China is expected to become the world's largest shipbuilder by 2015 after launching shipyard projects in Shanghai and Guangzhou.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Shanghai has agreed to allow the nation's leading shipbuilder to construct the world's largest shipyard on one of its islands.

10. This was partly boosted by China's ambition to overtake South Korea and Japan as the world's strongest shipbuilder.

shipbuilder 英英释义


1. a business that builds and repairs ships

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. a person who builds ships as a business

    Synonym: ship builder

3. a carpenter who helps build and launch wooden vessels

    Synonym: shipwright ship builder