shoal water

shoal water [ʃəʊl ˈwɔ:tə]  [ʃol ˈwɔtɚ] 

shoal water 基本解释
shoal water 网络解释

shoal water什么意思

1. 浅水:此外,在检查回旋圈内是否会碰上浅水(Shoal Water)状况时,务必要采用锚泊期间所预期会遭遇的最小潮高(Lowest Height of Tide). 拖锚圈则是被用来核对船锚是否仍抓牢在原地,它的半径系等於锚链孔与哑罗经间的距离加上出链长度.

2. 浅水区:ship wave 船行波 | shoal water 浅水区 | shock 冲击撞击

3. 浅水;浅水区:shoal water 浅水 | shoal water 浅水;浅水区 | shoal 浅的-n.浅滩

4. 浅水;浅水:shoal sounding 浅水 | shoal water 浅水 | shoal water 浅水;浅水

shoal water 单语例句

1. Pearl Shoal is a wide, gently sloping area of active calcareous tufa covered with a thin sheet of flowing water.

2. shoal water

2. The Pearl Shoal in Rize Valley is covered by running water that flows from a nearby waterfall.