1. Before showing of the Transformers a sequel film was planned mainly because of its contents and effects and its high reputation. Successful box office record of the first series predicts that its sequel can be expected and the robot wars have whipped up a wave for robot movies in Hollywood. Presently we already have the Iron Man from cartoons and the Battle Angel from Japanese cartoons under shooting.
变形金刚在上映之前即已计画拍摄续集,最主要是他的题材效果十足,在加上他历久弥新的知名度,首集票房的成功也预测了他的续集是可期的,而在此波机器人大战也带动了好莱坞机器人电影的风潮,目前已有漫画改编的《铁人》(Iron Man,暂译)及日本漫画《铳梦》陆续开拍中,预计在两三年内,我们将可看见各式各样的机器人在大银幕上厮杀!
2. But how was making Sleepy Hollow different from shooting Star Wars?