
shootout ['ʃʊtɚʊt]  ['ʃʊtɚʊt] 

shootout 基本解释
shootout 网络解释


1. 射门:save 扑救 | shootout 射门 | sliding tackle 铲球

2. 交火:shooting stick /手杖/ | shootout /交火/ | shoots /嫩枝/秧/

3. 抛出;射出:shootaway不停地射击 | shootout抛出;射出 | shootup射出;喷出

shootout 单语例句

1. Carolina and the Rangers now hold the final two playoff spots after their wins, with the Islanders losing in Florida and Montreal beating Toronto in a shootout.

2. shootout

2. Saudi police killed a suspect Islamic militant and arrested three others in a shootout Sunday on a suspected terror cell hideout in the city.

3. shootout

3. He also won't play Friday night at Staples Center during the second day of the Staples Shootout.

4. Soldiers did not know the hostages were inside when the shootout began, and the colonel said the four men's claims to be police would be investigated.

5. shootout的翻译

5. Soldiers did not know the hostages were inside when the shootout began, and the colonel said their claims to be police would be investigated.

6. The commando raid to free them in April prompted a shootout in which the French captain and two pirates were killed.

7. shootout的解释

7. One Turkish engineer was shot dead in a shootout between kidnappers and security guards in March.

8. FBI Special Agent Joseph Dickey said the gunman died across the street shortly after the shootout.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. The latest report said Vieira survived the attack by renegade soldiers who fled the scene after hours of shootout with Vieira's guards.

10. The shootout in front of the Benito Juarez elementary school erupted hours later.

shootout 英英释义



1. a fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten

    Synonym: gunfight gunplay