short boxing

short boxing

short boxing 双语例句

1. For example, the routine-like teaching model does not reflect t he features of traditional boxing, so students can hardly meet the requirement o f the curriculum in a short time. The thesis proposes that the teachers should s tart from the stake stance, focus on the training of the core movements, and emp hasize single hand exercises and arc hand exercises and integrate the skills ofmovements, routines and performance.
    目前,已经在执行的03和07了大纲在有关传统拳选择方面存在一些现实问题,03教学计划的第一类限选传统拳课的种类与2 a后的副项训练传统拳在种类、内容以及难易程度上出现重复和难度区分度不大的问题,因此涉及到了不同课程之间传统拳内容选择与衔接等问题。

2. If the local governments to adopt in time suggestion, implementation plan, can be in a short time to achieve the win-win purpose (WenSheng boxing get inheritance development; the government realize profits).

3. As well as wrestle projects and so on kick boxing, wrestling, long weapon, short weapons.

4. There changquan major boxing short boxing, Nanquan, Tai Chi, Xing Yi Quan, Bagua Quan, Tong Bei Quan, mantis boxing and so on.