short squeeze

short squeeze [ʃɔ:t skwi:z]  [ʃɔrt skwiz] 

short squeeze 基本解释


short squeeze 网络解释

short squeeze

1. 轧空:他们一般是对那种长期低迷、放空率比较高的股票下手,轧空(short squeeze)是主要手法,通常会以一到两根20%左右幅度的大阳线加上暴量就开始了轧空,然后瞅准机会趁空头被迫回补时,主力就跑了;但有时候他也会做上去,把股价炒翻个一两倍.

2. 挟仓:Short Selling Pilot Scheme 股份賣空試驗計劃 | short squeeze 挾倉 | short term borrowings 短期舉債;短期借貸

3. 挟淡仓 空杀空;轧空:挟好仓 多杀多;轧多;轧多头 long squeeze | 挟淡仓 空杀空;轧空 short squeeze | 交易柜位 交易席位;交易单元 trading booth

4. 短挤水泥:short spread of detectors 小距离排列地震检波仪 | short squeeze 短挤水泥 | short stopped reaction 快速中止反应

short squeeze 单语例句

1. The premium wine is already in short supply most of the time in the domestic market and overseas expansion will further squeeze local supplies.

2. short squeeze的翻译

2. Many cars travelling just a short distance squeeze onto the expressways, reducing the speed of the entire traffic flow.