1. C. describe the inadequacies of small firms in dealing with the important matter of research and innovation. D. show that Americas strength depends upon individual ingenuity and resourcefulness.
答:如果导师对你有意思的话,一般会很快回信(1到2天),如果很久没有回信,一般是不太感兴趣,如果你不死心的话,可以继续发 email 催促下,实在不行,再打电话直接沟通,让他给个准信。
2. Spatial structures of all kinds show an inspiration which usually endued with by the nature. The creativity of the nature exceeds the human ingenuity ever and again.
3. Standing in the spectacular courtyard, the exquisite craftsmanship tile carving artworks which show originality, ingenuity can be seen everywhere, although eroded by the relentless years, they are still vivid and shining as though still indulged in the glorious history.
4. And we will give American workers an opportunity to show the world once again that they can meet challenges with ingenuity and determination, and emerge stronger than before.
5. Particularly the humorous language makes the events and the characters lifelike; pungent criticism and clever dialogue show the author's ingenuity.
6. Gaps not only show the ingenuity of poets, but also provide wide space for readers'imagination. They are critical for the realization of the artistic value and the aesthetic value of poetry.
7. Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks and drawings show him to have had a scientific imagination and technological ingenuity well ahead of his time.