
showman [ˈʃəʊmən]  [ˈʃoʊmən] 



showman 基本解释

名词(戏剧、音乐、文娱表演等的)演出主持人; 娱乐经理人; 善于引起公众注意的人物; 爱出风头的人物

showman 网络解释

1. 表演者:从这个角度看,说书人是中国最早一代的善于吸引大众的表演者(showman),也是张艺谋和冯小刚等善于讲故事的剧情片(narrative cinema)导演的师祖. 然而有趣的是,经过电视台的精心包装和针对性的市场开发,今日最成功的一批说书人竟摇身一变成为学术权威.

2. 马戏团老板:showily 华丽 | showman 马戏团老板 | showmanship 技巧

3. 艺人:罗文Roman Tam Pak-sin | 艺人showman | 艺进同学会Artiste Training Alumni Association

4. 马戏团的老板:showingenuityhaveoriginality 独具匠心 | showman 马戏团的老板 | showman 玩杂耍的人

showman 词典解释

1. 主持风格夸张搞笑的人;擅长戏剧性表演的人
    A showman is a person who is very entertaining and dramatic in the way that they perform, or the way that they present things.

showman 单语例句

1. Scratch the surface of this natural showman and the real driving force beneath becomes evident.

2. People were going through what I witnessed a few years earlier - a sensational showman with enormous talents.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. That gave Barca the freedom to roam, and Brazilian showman Ronaldinho added their third goal from the penalty spot.

4. This young showman so enchanted audiences that he walked away with third prize.

5. showman的解释

5. Some combinations seen on the runway might have appeared to be over the top, but Hilfiger is a showman.

showman 英英释义


1. a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments

    Synonym: promoter impresario

2. showman的反义词

2. a person skilled at making effective presentations