
shrunk [ʃrʌŋk]  [ʃrʌŋk] 






过去分词:shrunk; shrunken


过去式:shrank; shrunk

shrunk 基本解释

动词收缩( shrink的过去分词 ); (使)缩水; 退缩; 畏缩

shrunk 网络解释

1. 收缩:shrug 耸肩 | shrunk 收缩 | shrunken 缩小的

2. 收缩的:shroundhoop 桅索固定环 | shrunk 收缩的 | shrunkandkeyedimpulsewheel 冷缩及键固定转轮

3. 收缩,(使)皱缩,缩短,减少:soar v.猛增,剧增,高飞,高涨 | shrunk 收缩,(使)皱缩,缩短,减少 | stagger摇晃,蹒跚,交错

shrunk 词典解释


shrunk 单语例句

1. shrunk

1. Pleasant and jovial as our garden bar surrounding was, it shrunk before the eye candy which presented itself on the monitor before us.

2. In just a few months, the young man's waistline has shrunk about 50 centimeters thanks to traditional acupuncture treatment.

3. shrunk的解释

3. She says she first underwent chemotherapy, which shrunk the tumor but didn't get rid of it completely.

4. The coal supply has shrunk as the government has stepped up efforts to shut down coal mines this year after a series of fatal accidents.

5. shrunk什么意思

5. Shanxi province's market share of coking coal has shrunk in recent years.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. It is estimated that in just four decades the forest coverage has shrunk from 40 per cent of the land area to 10 per cent.

7. The government tightened credit controls and the growth rate of credit supply shrunk as a result.

8. Pastures have degraded, rats are a frequent nuisance and lakes have shrunk or even completely dried up.

9. A Deutsche Bank report said the rise in exports boosted sentiment and eased concern that the economic slowdown worldwide had shrunk demand for Chinese goods.

10. Although the depreciation has brought these brands unprecedented high sales from overseas, the values of the brands themselves have shrunk severely.