
sibylline [ˈsɪbɪlaɪn]  [ˈsɪbəˌlaɪn, -ˌlin] 

sibylline 基本解释


形容词预言的; 神谕的; 女预言家的; 来自女预言家的

sibylline 网络解释

1. 女巫的:sibyl 女巫 | sibylline 女巫的 | sic 原文如此

2. 女巫的/预言性的:sibyl /女巫/女算命师/女预言家/ | sibylline /女巫的/预言性的/ | sic /原文如此/

3. 预言的:sibylline 预言的 | byline (列作者名字的)报刊文章首行 | undermine 在...下挖;侵蚀...的基础;逐渐损害

4. 女算命师的; 神秘性的; 女预言家的 (形):sibyl 女巫, 女预言家, 女算命师 (名) | sibylline 女算命师的; 神秘性的; 女预言家的 (形) | sic 照抄原文 (感叹)

sibylline 双语例句

1. Of the other Sibylline Books little need be said.

2. On the other hand, the Sibylline Oracles, of which the oldest portions date from about 160 BC, come to us from Egypt.
    另一方面,在 Sibylline甲骨文,其中最古老的部分日期的约160名卑诗,来找我们从埃及。


3. He seems also to recognize IV Esdras, and the Sibyl, though he admits that there are many sibylline forgeries.
    他似乎也认识到四埃斯德拉斯和Sibyl ,但他承认,有许多sibylline伪造的。


4. Even greater, though a different interest, attaches to the Sibylline Oracles, written in Greek hexameters.

5. In these sibylline leaves are gathered the scattered prophecies of the past upon the cases in which the axe will fall.


6. The most interesting as well as the oldest of these books are those known as the Book of Enoch, the Sibylline Oracles, the Paler of Solomon, and the Book of Jubilees, or Little Genesis.
    最有趣的以及最古老的这些书籍是那些被称为图书的伊诺克的Sibylline甲骨文,所罗门的苍白,和书Jubilees ,或很少成因。


7. A prophet made a prophecy that the kingdom would fall. the high priest's divinatory pronouncement; mantic powers; a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions.

8. Cabalistic symbols engraved in stone; cryptic writings; thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements - John Gunther.

9. A kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions

10. The high priest's divinatory pronouncement; mantic powers; a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions.