
siding [ˈsaɪdɪŋ]  [ˈsaɪdɪŋ] 


siding 基本解释



siding 相关例句


1. The new building has aluminum siding and roofing.

siding 网络解释


1. 外墙:我们对房子外墙质量的评估一点概念也没有,RON带我们去看房时,会给我们指出外墙(siding)是什么类型,寿命如何,多长时间需要维修. 材料不好的外墙,如果没有定时维修,到一定的年份就会开裂. 对有质量有问题的外墙,

2. 板壁:外墙用板壁(siding)在北美的市场有近80亿美元,目前一半是PVC材料,木塑复合材料有很强的竞争力. 其技术的难点在于耐用性、耐候性、低密度、可钉钉、可油漆、美观、高强度等.

3. 墙板:因为老美对外墙板(siding)的习惯性印象就是长条木板一片盖一片的长相,所以制作水泥板的厂商便将要做为外墙使用的水泥板也做长条木板的样子,所以你看起来像木板,其实那是一种木纹水泥板.

4. 壁板:用于户外而含水量有颜料的塑胶制品通常需要更多的钛白粉含水量量以还到不透明的效果,譬如,白色硬质乙烯外壁板(siding)以15百分量(Parts Per Hundred)之钛白粉含量来保证聚氯乙烯防止紫外线分化,这超过了不透明性和白色度所需二氧化钛量的五倍.

siding 词典解释

1. (铁路线的)侧线,岔道
    A siding is a short railway track beside the main tracks, where engines and carriages are left when they are not being used.

2. (建筑外墙的)墙板,壁板
    Siding is a wooden or metal covering on the outside walls of a building.

siding 单语例句

1. As the wind subsided, the clang of metal siding could still be heard on the barrier island.

2. But many people instinctively blame the government for siding with developers whenever the government approves an application for land development by a developer.

3. Chavez has staunchly defended Iran's nuclear energy program, siding with Tehran by insisting it is for peaceful uses and not for nuclear bombs.

4. Many of the biggest political parties are fracturing, with members siding with each camp in the presidential race.

5. siding什么意思

5. Overflowing boxes were piled on the front porch, and a US flag leaned against the siding.

6. The talks come two days after Clinton declared siding with Israel as regards the issue of settlement and the resumption of the peace talks.

7. Later with a series of sudden drops but few strong rides, it kept siding to lower stairs.

8. siding是什么意思

8. Local authorities in Xinjiang have built roofs and protective siding to prevent weathering and erosion.

9. The flood left cars stacked on one another and ripped the siding off houses.

10. siding

10. The Republican's perceived stance of siding with business is losing appeal among young voters.

siding 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass

    Synonym: railroad siding turnout sidetrack

2. material applied to the outside of a building to make it weatherproof