
sieve [sɪv]  [sɪv] 








sieve 基本解释


名词滤网; [粮食][矿]筛子; 不能保守秘密的人,嘴不严的人

动词筛,筛选; 滤

sieve 相关例句


1. You'll need to sieve out the stones from the soil.

sieve 网络解释

1. 筛子:在墨尔本研究团队制作出来的样品中,奈米管阵列排列得非常整齐,因此这种奈米薄膜可以用来当作电子校准器(electron collimator)或是筛子(sieve). 由於氧化铝薄膜中的奈米管具有极大的(超过300:1)高宽比(aspect ratio),

2. 过滤:36.过滤(Sieve).把摇壶内或调酒杯内的鸡尾酒摇匀后,用滤冰器滤去冰块,并将酒倒人鸡尾酒杯或其他杯内,称为过滤. 鸡尾酒经过200多年的发展,现代鸡尾酒已不再是若干种酒及乙醇饮料的简单混合物. 虽然种类繁多,配方各异,

3. 筛网:11.出口球型阀(outlet ball valve)可用超声清洗;12.双元泵有一个筛网(sieve)可控制低流速;反相柱:主要是以硅胶为基质,在其表面键合十八烷基官能团(ODS)的非极性填料.

4. 滤:再由于监督分类图中图斑细碎,利用ERDAS IMAGINE软件中分类后处理的图斑聚类(Clump) 、过滤(Sieve) 、消除( Eliminate) 功能,进行图斑的滤波处理,剔除一些极小的分类单元(图斑像元数小于16 个像元).

sieve 词典解释

1. sieve的反义词

1. 滤勺;笊篱;筛子
    A sieve is a tool used for separating solids from liquids or larger pieces of something from smaller pieces. It consists of a metal or plastic ring with a wire or plastic net underneath, which the liquid or smaller pieces pass through.

    e.g. Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree.

2. 筛;过滤
    When you sieve a substance, you put it through a sieve.

    e.g. Cream the margarine in a small bowl, then sieve the icing sugar into it.

sieve 单语例句

1. Strain through a fine sieve and serve in a bejeweled goblet garnished with an additional cinnamon stick.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The rover team plans to have Curiosity sieve the sample and deliver portions of it to analytical instruments inside the rover.

3. To make lemon icing, simply squeeze and sieve juice of one lemon.

4. Immediately pour the whole pot into a sieve, and refresh in cold water.

5. There's also something about the situational learning that helps words stick in the sieve upstairs, but I think it's the cabbies themselves.

sieve 英英释义


1. a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles

    Synonym: screen


1. sieve的反义词

1. distinguish and separate out

    e.g. sift through the job candidates

    Synonym: sift

2. sieve的反义词

2. separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements

    e.g. sift the flour

    Synonym: sift strain

3. check and sort carefully

    e.g. sift the information

    Synonym: sift

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. examine in order to test suitability

    e.g. screen these samples
           screen the job applicants

    Synonym: screen screen out sort