sign of the zodiac

sign of the zodiac [sain ɔv ðə ˈzəudiæk]  [saɪn ʌv ði ˈzodiˌæk] 

sign of the zodiac 基本解释
sign of the zodiac 网络解释

sign of the zodiac的近义词

1. 黄道十二宫:织女星 Vega | 黄道十二宫 Sign of the Zodiac | 白羊座 Aries

2. 黄道十二宫图:zodiac n. 黄道 | sign of the zodiac 黄道十二宫图 | 1.Aries n. 白羊宫

sign of the zodiac 单语例句

1. Tradition has it that it is lucky to give birth under this sign of the zodiac.

sign of the zodiac 英英释义

sign of the zodiac


1. (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided

    Synonym: star sign sign mansion house planetary house