sign post

sign post [sain pəust]  [saɪn post] 

sign post 基本解释
sign post 网络解释

sign post在线翻译

1. 标杆:signs of zodiac 黄道十二宫 | sign post 标杆 | sign of train 行车标志

2. 标语牌:标枪投掷区||javelin throwing zone | 标语牌||sign post | 标志||sign, landmark

3. 标柱:sign position 符号位置,信号位置 | sign post 标柱 | sign register 符号寄存器

4. 警示标志:做一手好菜 cook nice dishes | 警示标志 sign post | 车号 car licence number

sign post 单语例句

1. " Yi should decide his future by himself and sign with the Bucks, " the Nanjing Morning Post said.

2. sign post

2. Pedro hit the post from close range in the ninth minute and it was a sign of things to come.

3. The team has set up signs every two kilometres and a special sign post using empty gasoline drums every 10 kilometres.

4. sign post在线翻译

4. The former Republican vice presidential candidate planned to sign copies of her new memoir at a post store Monday.

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5. Instead, it is another sign that women are taking the wrong path post liberation.