
silvery [ˈsɪlvəri]  [ˈsɪlvəri] 

silvery 基本解释

形容词银色的; 银白; 银铃般的; 清脆的

silvery 相关例句


1. His hair is silvery now.

silvery 网络解释


1. 银色的:silverweed 鹤金梅 | silvery 银色的 | silvics 造林学

2. 像银的:silver 银 | silvery 像银的 | similar 类似的

3. 银色:silvertelluride 碲化银 | silvery 银色 | simazin 侮三嗪

4. 有银色光泽的:salivary 唾液的 | silvery 有银色光泽的 | salutary 有益的

silvery 词典解释

1. silvery的近义词

1. 似银的;银色的
    Silvery things look like silver or are the colour of silver.

    e.g. ...a small, intense man with silvery hair...
    e.g. There was a full moon and its silvery light seeped through the curtains.

silvery 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The center ordered a recall Tuesday after a customer complained of finding silvery droplets in the can.

2. Its shining silvery mantle with its smooth outline is mainly made of metal and glass, making the whole stadium as crystal as a pure drop of water.

3. silvery

3. When walking along streets in this tiny island during this time, you will hear the pleasant silvery sound of the dice rolling.

4. silvery什么意思

4. Its shiny and silvery surface is composed of 896 outer and inner arcs connected by nearly ten thousand nodes.

5. These seemingly endless streams of interwoven lines reflect the light and create a defined silvery surface.

6. The beach get its name from its soft and silvery quartz sand.

7. The beach gets its name from its soft and silvery quartz sand.

8. After the renovation by the government, now the walls are paved by green blocks and roofs are covered by silvery tiles.

9. Silvery metal spheres, the central components of the Trinity experimental package.

10. From the piles of sample frames, we finally settled on one that had silvery abstract relief patterns.

silvery 英英释义


1. having the white lustrous sheen of silver

    e.g. a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap
           repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen

    Synonym: silver silvern

2. resembling or reminiscent of silver

    e.g. a soft silvern voice
           singing in her silvery tones

    Synonym: silvern

3. of lustrous grey
    covered with or tinged with the color of silver

    e.g. silvery hair

    Synonym: argent silver silverish