
sincerity [sɪn'serətɪ]  [sɪnˈsɛrɪti] 

sincerity 基本解释

名词真挚,诚心诚意,诚意; 笃实; 襟怀坦白; 愫

sincerity 相关例句


1. He is a man of sincerity.

2. Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.

sincerity 网络解释


1. (诚恳):绝不要逞一时口舌之快而得罪顾客 3.4.2做事先做人的OCP法则 推销的内容包括自己(oneself)、观念(conception)、产品(product) 先推销自己,再推销观念,最后推销产品 3.4.3第一印象的5S法则 微笑(smile) 迅速(speed) 诚恳(sincerity) 灵巧(smart

2. 诚意:而博客的繁衍,使得信息容易获得且比较透明,互联网成为是放大口碑的平台. 包亦农表示信息在博客上流传很快,它是一个非常有力的沟通工具. 满意( satisfaction) , 服务微笑服务待客( SERVICE), 速度( speed) , 诚意( sincerity)

sincerity 单语例句

1. sincerity

1. The spokesman repeated the government's position that Pyongyang's sincerity needs to be displayed by taking real actions.

2. He called for all parties to show sincerity and flexibility in pushing forward the negotiation process despite difficulties and problems.

3. " Such sincerity and candor is hard to reject, " one netizen wrote.

4. BEIJING - China on Thursday again urged the Philippines to cease all provocative activities, and show its sincerity in conducting serious diplomatic dialogues with China.

5. Wen said China would deepen friendship with central and eastern European nations with " maximum sincerity ", and make efforts to further practical cooperation.

6. sincerity的解释

6. Chen called for more public tolerance and understanding of those wealthy with interests in charity, as some media often suspected the sincerity of charitable donations by the rich.

7. sincerity什么意思

7. But they still showed their sincerity and goodwill by providing technical support for the Taiwanese airlines allowed to run chartered flights.


8. It's much more than what a developing nation is expected to offer, out of responsibility and sincerity to addressing the common challenge faced by the international community.

9. To further demonstrate the sincerity of the mainland to boost relations, 15 new beneficial policies were announced at the closing ceremony of the forum.

10. The color white represents integrity and purity while red represents sincerity and passion.