sink in

sink in [siŋk in]  [sɪŋk ɪn] 

sink in 基本解释

下陷; 被吸收,被了解; 陷落

sink in 相关例句

sink in的翻译


1. It finally sank in that he had won a Nobel prize.

2. It took a week for it to sink in that his mother had died.

3. If the ink sinks in, it'll be hard to remove the spot from the cloth.

sink in 网络解释

sink in

1. 被了解:sink down 沉落 | sink in 被了解 | sink into absurdity 做荒唐事

2. 渗进去,被理解:single out选出,挑出 | sink in渗进去,被理解 | sit for参加

3. 被理解,被理会:shrug up 对......满不在乎,对......不屑一顾 | sink in 被理解,被理会 | sniff out 发觉,发现

4. 被理解:sink in 被理解 | leave vt.使;离开;留下 | implication n.结果,影响;含义

sink in 词典解释


1. 终于被充分理解;终于被完全领悟
    When a statement or fact sinks in, you finally understand or realize it fully.

    e.g. The implication took a while to sink in.

sink in 单语例句

1. The report gave out a string of overpriced items including sink tops, water valves and chairs in the first class carriage.

2. Thereafter based on the actual condition in Qingdao, sea water is an ideal heat source or sink of heat pump system.

3. The red sandal wood takes on a color of purplish brown, and is so dense that any piece of it placed in water will sink immediately.

4. Eight families in the relocation site share a kitchen, while each family is allocated a gas cooker and a sink.

5. Tym Glaser is a sports copy editor who planned to sink more than a few VBs in Cadel's honor last night.

6. sink in是什么意思

6. The couple believed Lena's ring fell into a sink and was lost in vegetable peelings that were turned into compost or fed to their sheep.

7. sink in的解释

7. Glazer is a man they fear will sink the world's most valuable soccer team in a sea of debt.

8. An exodus which followed the October 12 terrorist attack and a fall in arrivals threaten to sink the island's economy which largely depends on tourism.

9. If we get out of the boat, we fall in the water and we sink.

10. Police said Yang used two towels to hang herself on a sink faucet in the toilet on Nov 26.

sink in 英英释义


1. become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions

    e.g. It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
           she was penetrated with sorrow

    Synonym: click get through dawn come home get across penetrate fall into place

2. pass through

    e.g. Water permeates sand easily

    Synonym: percolate permeate filter