
sir [sɜ:(r)]  [sɚ] 


sir 基本解释

名词先生; 老师; (用于姓名前)爵士; (中小学生对男教师的称呼)先生

sir 反义词


sir 相关例句


1. This way, sir.

2. No, sir.

3. Your car is ready, sir.

4. Yes, sir.

sir 情景对话



A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

B:My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?
      我是Lance Stevens,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?

A:I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. May I take a message?

B:When will he be available?

A:I don't know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?

B:No, that's OK. I'll call back.


A:Do you have a reservation, sir?

B:No, I am afraid we don’t.

A:I’m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available?
      很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30 分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗?

B:No,thanks. We’ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two?

A:Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir?

B:Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window?

A:We’ll try to arrange it but I can’t guarantee, sir.

B:That’s fine.

A:Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way.

sir 网络解释


1. sir:singal-noise ratio; 信噪比

2. sir:systermic inflatmmatory response; 全身炎症反应

3. sir:solvent-impregnated resins; 浸渍树脂

4. sir:signal-to-interference ratios; 信扰比

sir 双语例句


1. I see. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.


2. We wll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.

3. We'll look into it and get back to you right away, Sir.


4. You would do well to reconsider taunting me in this manner, sir.

5. Did you buy any gaso line, sir?

6. When he got on the train, he said to the conductor. Sir, could you help me?

7. And even after Wayne Rooney and Ji-sung Park had put Sir Alex's men 2-1 up, the Spanish striker fluffed a late chance to salvage a point from the match.

8. CanIhelpyou, sir?

9. I think maybe he`s moving between the platoons, sir.

10. I have never dined with you, sir; and I see no reason why I should know.

11. Hello sir I want to learn how to sail.

12. Hello, sir, can I help you?


13. Yes, sir, can I help you?

14. Hi, Sir. May I help you?

15. Good morning, sir, can I help you?

16. Excuse me, sir, what can i do for you?

17. G: Very well, sir. I`ll be right back with your tea.

18. May I repeat your order, sir?

19. May I repeat your room number and the time, sir/madam?


20. CHAMPAGNE has long been associated with luxury, success and extravagance, thanks to a constrained supply, clever marketing, literary associations (James Bond was fond of Taittinger in the books and Bollinger in the films) and powerful customers, from the Russian imperial court, for whom Roederer`s Cristal was invented, to Sir Winston Churchill, who downed copious amounts of Pol Roger.
      香槟似乎一直是奢华、成功、铺张的代名词,这都得益于其限量的市场供应、聪明的营销方案、巧妙的文学宣传(詹姆斯邦德在007小说中喝的就是 Taittinger ,而在007影片中喝的则是 Bollinger )以及身份显赫的顾客群,从饮用路易王妃水晶香槟 Roederer`s Cristal 的俄罗斯王室到酷爱饮用保禄爵香槟 Pol Roger 的丘吉尔首相。

sir 词典解释

1. (对不知其姓名的男士或上级的尊称)先生,长官
    People sometimes say sir as a very formal and polite way of addressing a man whose name they do not know or a man of superior rank. For example, a shop assistant might address a male customer as sir .

    e.g. Excuse me sir, but would you mind telling me what sort of car that is?...
    e.g. Good afternoon to you, sir.

2. (用于爵士或准男爵的姓名前)爵士
    Sir is the title used in front of the name of a knight or baronet.

    e.g. She introduced me to Sir Tobias and Lady Clarke.

3. (正式信函或商务信函开头的称呼语)先生,阁下(写信给某组织时使用 Dear sirs)
    You use the expression Dear sir at the beginning of a formal letter or a business letter when you are writing to a man. You use Dear sirs when you are writing to an organization.

    e.g. Dear Sir, Your letter of the 9th October has been referred to us.
           尊敬的先生,您 10 月 9 日的来信已转交我处。

sir 单语例句

1. sir的近义词

1. Catherine also wasn't required to call William " sir " up until their engagement like Diana was asked to do.

2. " I'm in the Sir Alex Ferguson camp, " he told Reuters on Tuesday.

3. The opening of Peninsula Shanghai's new bar Sir Elly's promises a luxury experience with caviar and champagne under the stars.

4. The Helpmann Awards have been named in honour of the prolific Australian performer, dramaturg and choreographer Sir Robert Helpmann who died in 1986.

5. Vandals have poured red paint over the statue of wartime Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill in London's Parliament Square.

6. sir的意思

6. One clueless commentator even thought Sir Paul had stolen the song from songbird Stephanie Sun.

7. He made a spectacular comeback by ringing in the New Year with a performance alongside leading British conductor Sir Andrew Davis and the Philharmonic Orchestra.

8. Sir Alex Ferguson is a known admirer of Figo, and could make a move to sign him at the end of the season.

9. British adventurer Sir Aurel Stein was the first on the scene in 1907 and sent thousands of manuscripts and printed documents back to Britain.

10. GUANGZHOU - Sir Philip Craven is taking every opportunity to meet officials, visit athletes and watch various sports during his short stay at Guangzhou Asian Para Games.

sir 英英释义

