sit on

sit on [sit ɔn]  [sit ɑn] 

sit on 基本解释


坐落; 压制; 继续坐; 守卫

sit on 相关例句

sit on的反义词


1. He's been sitting on my letter for months.

sit on 网络解释

1. 为...的成员;压制:sit in 列席,旁听;不干预 | sit on 为...的成员;压制 | sit up 迟睡,熬夜;坐正

2. 为...的一员:sit on the lid 压制 | sit on 为......的一员 | sit out 袖手旁观

3. 开会讨论:revive in 在......上复活 | sit on 开会讨论 | sit in 旁听

4. 拖延,搁置:single out 选出,挑出 | sit on 拖延,搁置 | sit up 熬夜

sit on 词典解释

1. sit on

1. 拖延;压着不办
    If you say that someone is sitting on something, you mean that they are delaying dealing with it.

    e.g. He had been sitting on the document for at least two months.

sit on 单语例句

1. sit on

1. There is a wine cellar on the first floor where people can sit and sample the wines before a bottle is opened.

2. The illumination casts gentle streams on the centre on the table and people can sit on soft sofas.

3. It is an early summer day in an old neighborhood southwest of Shanghai, and shrubs are blossoming around benches on which people sit and chat.

4. sit on的近义词

4. With no need to hurry, one can sit down to chew on delicacies at ease.

5. sit on的意思

5. Some chose to just sit on the snow rather than move it by the handful, and the stadium had a festive and frosty air as fans tossed snowballs.

6. Those not content to sit slouched at home on Christmas Day can join the Beijing Hikers in their sixth annual Great Wall hike and BBQ.

7. This nectar would sit on the stove for another hour or so to let the slow heat coax all nourishing goodness out of the ingredients.

8. sit on是什么意思

8. The inexpensive and portable coffee maker is used in place of electronic ones, customized to sit on a single cup while the coffee drips down.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. Ancient spears line the walls of the criminal court, and two buckets filled with different coloured sticks sit on the judge's bench.

10. sit on

10. Over 1000 candidates were invited to sit for the written examination on November 24, which consisted of an English language test and a written comprehensive knowledge exam.