sit out

sit out [sit aut]  [sit aʊt] 

sit out 基本解释

在户外坐; 出席直至完全结束; 不参加某种活动

sit out 网络解释

sit out的反义词

1. 耐心听完;耐心看完:sit in 旁听,参加;列席;出席;代理 | sit out 耐心听完;耐心看完 | speed up 加速;加快;催促;加紧

2. 袖手旁观:sit on 为......的一员 | sit out 袖手旁观 | sit pretty 处于有利位置

3. 在户外坐:nibble 啃 小口咬 | sit out 在户外坐 | malignant 恶毒的 恶性的

4. 耐着性子看完(或听完),坐着挨到...结束:4651sit in on旁听,出席 | 4652sit out耐着性子看完(或听完),坐着挨到...结束 | 4653sit up不睡觉,开夜车;坐直,坐起来

sit out 词典解释
sit out

1. (不采取行动)静等…结束,等到…结束
    If you sit something out, you wait for it to finish, without taking any action.

    e.g. The only thing I can do is keep quiet and sit this one out...
    e.g. He can afford to sit out the property slump.

sit out 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The blood was drained and he practiced again that afternoon and the next day, before he was told to sit out the rest of the Austin training camp.

2. This nectar would sit on the stove for another hour or so to let the slow heat coax all nourishing goodness out of the ingredients.

3. sit out的解释

3. They are unlikely to sit out the 2010 elections, a tactic that would deprive them again of political clout.

4. Sit tall and lengthen your elbows out the sides while drawing your shoulder blades down your back.


5. They need to sit down and find a way out of the quagmire.

6. Gasol was voted MVP of the world championship in Japan four years ago, despite having to sit out Spain's final victory over Greece.

7. The Little Mermaid will sit in the center of the basin, out in the open - just as she does in the Danish capital.

8. Groups of elderly people sit in the shade of laundry hanging out to dry.

9. The best way to iron out frictions is to sit down and talk.

10. Beckham had broken a rib moments before in a collision with Thatcher and realized he would have to sit out the next match anyway.

sit out 英英释义


1. endure to the end

2. not participate in (an activity, such as a dance or a sports event)

    e.g. He sat out the game