





sits 基本解释
坐落;坐( sit的第三人称单数 );处在;任职;
sits 网络解释


1. 苏撒:Sunium 索尼昂 | Sits 苏撒 | Skyagrus 叙阿格罗斯

2. 矿体圈定:sits 矿体圈定 | delorenzite 铀钇铁钛矿 | delphinite 黄绿帘石

3. 设置通过入口的最大数:sits 设置通过入口的最大数 | alias TCP端口的IP地址取别名 | as-path BGP自治系统路径过滤

4. 巰:剄 sir | 巰 sits | 逕 siw

5. sits:safe implementation of treatment in stroke; 年在卒中安全治疗

sits 单语例句

1. sits的解释

1. By night the club sits at the center of a budding club and bar district.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Gansu's capital sits in a valley, making the movement of wind very difficult.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. A rectangular red carpet with gold patterns sits in the center of the room, accentuating the white carved table which stands on it.

4. sits

4. An Afghan soldier sits on a rocket launcher placed at a check point on a road.

5. Machinery normally busy churning out toys for major US toy brands Mattel and Disney now sits idle.

6. Langlois sits on the boards of both Shanghai Bank and Nanjing City Commercial Bank.

7. sits在线翻译

7. A pink robotic claw machine with no controls sits in a corner.

8. In a shabby but clean house, an old woman sits in front of the door with sun on her happy face.

9. sits的近义词

9. The zone sits along the central part of China's east coast, on the northern bank of the Yangtze River.

10. An armed Somali pirate sits on the coastline in Hobyo town in northeastern Somalia in this file photo from Jan 7 this year.