
skate [skeɪt]  [sket] 








skate 基本解释



skate 情景对话


A:Hey John, nice skates. Are they new?

B:Yeah, I just got them. I started playing ice hockey in a community league. So, I finally got myself new skates.

A:What position do you play?

B:I’m a defender. It’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to be able to skate as fast on defense.

A:Yeah, you’re a pretty big guy. I play goalie, myself.

B:Oh, yeah? Which team?

A:The Rockets.

B:Really? I think we play you guys next week. Well, I have to go to practice. See you later.

A:All right, see you later.


A:I was thinking of starting my own business.

B:What kind?

A:I know you wanted me to take over your restaurant business, but to be honest, I can’t stand working in the food industry.

B:Don’t worry, I knew that about you a long time ago.

A:I thought maybe you and dad could loan me some money to open a skate boarding shop.

B:That’s possible. Do you have a business plan?

A:Not in writing, but I’ve thought of all the preliminary details.

B:So what would you sell?

A:We’d sell skateboards, clothing, shoes, and accessories.

B:What would make your shop different from the others’?

A:I thought we could make our own T-shirts.
      我们可以制作我们自己的T 恤。

B:It sounds OK to me, but you’ll have to talk to your father about this, too.

skate 网络解释


1. 溜冰:如:跳舞(dance),唱歌(sing),打篮球(playbasketabll),弹钢琴(play the piano),溜冰(skate)等. 游戏前,各组可以把自己事先准备好的一叠卡片与其它小组互换,并把换来的一叠卡片放在桌子上,正面朝上. 游戏一开始,

2. 冰鞋:一种溜冰鞋(skate)包括: 一鞋体(Boot 一溜冰装置连接在该鞋体的下端; 其特征在于: 该鞋体包括一鞋面,一鞋底连接在该鞋面底侧; 所述溜冰 装置包括一支持件,一溜冰件安装在该支持件上;该支持件是 整体成型在该鞋底下端;

3. (极限滑板):摇滚乐队(Rock Band) 最佳赛车游戏:马里奥卡丁车 Wii(Mario Kart Wii) 最佳RPG游戏:质量效应(Mass Effect) 最佳射击游戏:使命召唤 4(COD4) 最佳游戏音轨:摇滚乐队(Rock Band) 最佳体育游戏:极限滑板(Skate) 最佳策略游戏:文

skate 词典解释
The plural skate is used in meaning 4. 义项 4 的复数形式为 skate。

1. 冰鞋;溜冰鞋
    Skates are ice-skates.

2. 四轮溜冰鞋;旱冰鞋
    Skates are roller-skates.

3. 溜冰;滑冰
    If you skate, you move about wearing ice-skates or roller-skates.

    e.g. I actually skated, and despite some teetering I did not fall on the ice...
    e.g. Dan skated up to him.

They all went skating together in the winter.
West Lake, an outdoor ice-skating rink, attracts skaters during the day and night.

4. skate

4. 鳐鱼(一种扁平状海鱼)
    A skate is a kind of flat sea fish.

    e.g. Boats had plenty of mackerel and a few skate.

5. 避谈;回避;搪塞
    If you skate over or round a difficult subject, you avoid discussing it.

    e.g. Scientists have tended to skate over the difficulties of explaining dreams...
    e.g. When pressed, he skates around the subject of those women who he met as a 19-year-old.
           别人逼问他有关他 19 岁时遇到的那些女人的情况时,他就会加以搪塞。

skate 单语例句

1. Skates can be rented from makeshift skate stalls for 10 yuan, and snack vendors stand by with candied crab apples.

2. At last their fathers will look like fathers again rather than older brothers who have just come back from the local skate park.

3. Wang said she has come to the lake almost every day recently to skate, even though the ice is sometimes a little crowded.

4. Mattei raised his right skate when losing his balance in the curve, but he recovered and avoided falling.

5. He curled around to the front of the net and his soft shot deflected in off the skate of Emery.

6. The only time she crashed was during a victory lap when her skate got tangled in the Chinese flag and she tumbled to the ice.

7. A wide range of skate sizes are available for hire, from size 25 for children to size 47 for adults.

8. That can't make the others happy, especially after they crashed and burned in the free skate.

9. We want to see kids of a young age skate and grow up to skate and to play ice hockey.

10. Shen and Zhao were nowhere near as clean or impressive in the free skate as in their sensational short program the previous day.

skate 英英释义


1. large edible rays having a long snout and thick tail with pectoral fins continuous with the head
    swim by undulating the edges of the pectoral fins

2. sports equipment that is worn on the feet to enable the wearer to glide along and to be propelled by the alternate actions of the legs


1. skate的翻译

1. move along on skates

    e.g. The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter