1. 草图:测试 草图 原型 草图(Sketching) 草图是探索思路的一种强大方法.目的是通过起草各种不同的概念,找到最佳方案.大 多数草图会被丢弃,但这无所谓.正如 Bill Buxton 在他的<<Sketching User Experience>> 一书中说的:草图快速低廉且容易处理,
2. 素描:篆刻 Seal Cutting | 素描 Sketching | 印染 Staining
3. 画草图:sketching board 图板 | sketching 画草图 | skew angle 斜角
4. 校訂科目 素描:體育 Physical Education | 校訂科目 素描 Sketching | 色彩學 Chromatics
1. They also learn modern art skills such as sketching and coloring to become more professional and comprehensive.
2. He is the master craftsman among his sketching pencils and vivid paints.
3. Some 10 young artists are seen sketching, dyeing and decorating on the shelf.
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4. Their journey and subsequent exhibition provided the story for Sketching, the third instalment of the documentary series Touch China.
5. She began copying the cartoon characters and enrolled in sketching classes in junior high.