skip in reading

skip in reading

skip in reading 双语例句

1. Due to skip the pre-reading of this important aspect of their reading for a long period of time in the exploration of the blind.

2. When reading a passage, our English teacher always tells us to skim the passage first in order to grasp the general idea, then scan the passage again in order to find the specific information, that is, in order to find the answer to a question, we should skip over the unimportant details.

skip in reading的解释

3. The SSO drug candidate AVI–4658 is designed to skip exon 51 of the dystrophin gene, allowing for restoration of the reading frame in the mRNA sequence.
    候选药物的SSO阿维- 4658是为了跳过外显子的dystrophin基因第51,为在mRNA序列阅读框架允许恢复。

4. The volume descriptor is constructed in this manner so that if a program reading the disk does not understand a particular descriptor, it can just skip over it until it finds one it can read, thus allowing the use of many different types of information on one volume.

5. In other words, a reader reading selectively we can skip several details, to seize the article about that the reading speeds.