1. 摩天楼:紧跟而来的是1921年创作的采用爵士乐汇成的<<傻猫>>(Krary-Kat)和1924年完成的产生真正噪音的<<摩天楼>>(Skyscrapers),该剧在1926年首演于纽约大都会歌剧院.
2. 摩天大厦:The Space Needle.|太空针塔 | Skyscrapers.|摩天大厦 | Mount Rainier.|雷尼尔山
3. 摩天大厦式广告:skip反射 | skyscrapers摩天大厦式广告 | sky waves天空电波
1. Millions of skyscrapers are being erected, changing the cities'horizons by the month.
2. Skyscrapers tower over Hong Kong's Central district, where commercial rental prices are some of the highest in the world.
3. danci.911cha.com
3. Some architectural experts are calling for limits on the height of skyscrapers and more emphasis on environmental compatibility and sustainability.
4. In a city where skyscrapers multiply as if they were created by a computer game, the company is looking into residential and warehouse space.
5. If the monotony of skyscrapers in Shanghai's concrete forest is wearing you down, try getting lost in the pet markets and traditional bird and flower bazaars.
6. Why else would they remain the same when skyscrapers, futuristic buildings and labyrinthine overpass networks have been changing cities'landscapes constantly?
7. Yu used to work on " ordinary " construction sites and was mainly in charge of laying steel frames for skyscrapers.
8. Skyscrapers swayed and creaked in winds that partially toppled a crane 74 stories above Midtown.
9. The crocodile is fast becoming a media star in a city better known for its skyscrapers and financial activity than wildlife.
10. Landmark buildings, squares and skyscrapers are crudely inserted into these cities.