
slammer [ˈslæmə(r)]  [ˈslæmɚ] 

slammer 基本解释


slammer 网络解释


1. 超低腰较窄微锥:SAFADO - 低腰较窄微锥 | SLAMMER - 超低腰较窄微锥 | THANAZ - 低腰超窄微锥

2. 极大的风暴:slaked lime 熟石灰 | slammer 极大的风暴 | slamming 击拍运动拍击运动

3. 俚班房:slamfeezesmashup 猛撞 | slammer 俚班房 | slander 诽

slammer 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 监狱;大牢
    The slammer is prison.

slammer 单语例句

1. The Slammer virus nearly brought the Internet to a halt in January while the Blaster crippled hundreds of thousands of computers in August.

slammer 英英释义



1. slammer的反义词

1. a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)

    Synonym: jail jailhouse gaol clink poky pokey

2. a person who closes things violently

    e.g. she's a dramatic slammer of doors