
slanderer ['slɑ:ndərə]  ['slɑ:ndərə] 

slanderer 基本解释


slanderer 网络解释


1. 造谣中伤者:slanderella 恶言中伤 | slanderer 造谣中伤者 | slanderous 中伤的

2. 诽谤者,诋毁者:Slacker 偷懒者,逃避者 | Slanderer 诽谤者,诋毁者 | Slasher 剑手,好斗者,乱砍滥伐者

3. 诽谤者:philanderer 追求女性者,爱情不专一的男子 | slanderer 诽谤者 | squanderer 浪费者,放荡者

4. 诽谤者, 中伤者 (名):slander 诽谤, 造谣中伤, 诋毁; 诽谤罪 (名) | slanderer 诽谤者, 中伤者 (名) | slanderous 中伤性的; 诽谤的 (形)

slanderer 双语例句

1. 4 First of all, speak evil of no man, neither take pleasure in listening to a slanderer.
    33:4首先,讲邪恶的,没有人,既不是乐於听一场slanderer 。

2. 11 A slanderer will not endure on the earth
    取强 的人、将他打倒。

3. Armed with facts and figures, he had little difficulty in talking the slanderer down.

4. You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, nor shall you profit by the blood of your neighbor; I am Jehovah.
    19:16 不可在民中往来搬弄是非,也不可与你的邻舍为敌,流他的血;我是耶和华。


5. He demanded an apology from the slanderer.

6. He was incensed against the slanderer. It is not right to bad-mouth others.

7. He was incensed against the slanderer.

8. Expose me as a slanderer of my own town before my own people assembled in a public hall?

9. A slanderer besmirches himself, and is hated by his neighbors.

slanderer 英英释义



1. one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel

    Synonym: defamer maligner vilifier libeler backbiter traducer