1. 不检点的:slattern 随便的女人 | slatternly 不检点的 | slaty 石板色的
2. 不自检点的/自甘堕落的:slattern /举止随便的女人/不整洁的/浪费掉/ | slatternly /不自检点的/自甘堕落的/ | slaty /石板一样的/石板色的/
3. 不自检点的:slatternly 自甘堕落的 | slatternly 不自检点的 | slaty 石板色的
4. 自甘堕落的:slattern 浪费掉 | slatternly 自甘堕落的 | slatternly 不自检点的
1. He started to leave the room, tripp in g over a loose seam in the slatternly carpet
2. He started to leave the room, tripping over a loose seam in the slatternly carpet.
3. He stated to leave the room, tripping over a loose seam in the slatternly carpet.
4. I learned her slatternly ways, the routine and mechanism of her charm.
5. I learned her slatternly ways, the rout and mechanism of her charm.
6. She is a slatternly female.
7. Martin went into the kitchen with a sinking heart, the image of her red face and slatternly form eating its way like acid into his brain.
8. Just as the people protect themselves against the invasion of their privacy, by their high walls, their bolts and shutters, their growling, eviltongued, slatternly concierges, so they have learned to protect themselves against the cold and heat of a bracing, vigorous climate.
9. Just as the people protect themselves against the invasion of their privacy, by their high walls, their bolts and shutters, their growling, evil tongued, slatternly concierges, so they have learned to protect themselves against the cold and heat of a bracing, vigorous climate.