sleep through

sleep through [sli:p θru:]  [slip θru] 

sleep through 基本解释
sleep through 网络解释

1. 睡着一直什么也没听见, 也没被唤醒或惊醒:tractor scraper 拖拉机式铲运机 | sleep through 睡着一直什么也没听见, 也没被唤醒或惊醒 | univariable series 单变量级数

2. 睡过了:Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please? 能帮我接通Lemon医生吗? | 4、睡过了. sleep through | How could you sleep through it? 你怎么能睡过头了呢?

3. 未被(吵闹声等)吵醒:609. sleep off 以睡眠消除(疲劳等) | sleep through 未被(吵闹声等)吵醒 | 610. let slide 放任自流,听其自然

sleep through 单语例句

1. He said he had grown so fat he could not sleep lying down and had to sit up through the night.

2. sleep through的解释

2. Learning to control her breathing through yoga has helped her to calm and sleep, she said.

3. Once there, she was not able to sleep and found herself walking through the streets at night.

4. sleep through

4. They cannot sleep through an entire night and have even thought of suicide.

5. I had managed to sleep through most of it and drain the batteries from my iPod.


6. Worldwide, only 9 percent of people planned to sleep through the dawn of the new year.

7. " I told myself she just fell into sleep and would wake up later, " said the man through his tears.

8. They start at 8 am and work through to the following day, before taking a day off to sleep at home.