1. 卧铺车厢:6. all kinds of things 各种各样的东西 | 7. sleeping car 卧铺车厢 | 8. walk around 四处走动
2. 卧铺火车:Sleeper 卧铺火车 | Sleeping Car 卧铺火车 | Steam Locomotive 蒸气火车
3. 卧铺车:9 硬座车 Hard seat coach;SEMI-CUSHIONED SEAT COACH | 10 卧铺车 Sleeping car | 11 软卧车 Cushioned berth sleeping car;UPHOLSTERED COUCHETTE
1. A search of the car revealed marijuana, the anxiety relieving medication Xanax as well as sleeping pills.
2. sleeping car的意思
2. Duan got into his car on Sunday morning, leaving his daughter sleeping in the house.